
Dogs in Space, a Netflix family entertainment series that aired season 1 in November 2021. A show with comedy, adventure and a ton of heart! I was hired as showrunner to work with a new creator from early development through post.

Dogs In Space

Executive Producer / Showrunner

Comedy Reel

Action Reel

Drama/Heart Reel


Supervising Producer / Showrunner

A charming and groundbreaking reboot of the original She-Ra cartoon from the 80’s for Netflix. Produced, directed and storyboarded for Dreamworks TV.


Art Director / Showrunner

Gilbert the Garbage Truck, A musical trailer for a pre-school show about being green and recycling.

Dogs In Space

Executive Producer / Showrunner

Dogs in Space, a Netflix family entertainment series that aired season 1 in November 2021. A show with comedy, adventure and a ton of heart! I was hired as showrunner to work with a new creator from early development through post.

Comedy Reel

Action Reel

Drama/Heart Reel


Supervising Producer / Showrunner

A charming and groundbreaking reboot of the original She-Ra cartoon from the 80’s for Netflix. Produced, directed and storyboarded for Dreamworks TV.

Gilbert the Garbage Truck

Art Director / Showrunner

Gilbert the Garbage Truck, A musical trailer for a pre-school show about being green and recycling.